• Gaoyi Cao (曹高怡)

    (2021-2024) Email: 21210440028@m.fudan.edu.cn

    Gaoyi Cao is a master student in Materials and Chemicals. She completed a bachelor's degree in Macromolecular Materials and Engineering at Fudan University. She is currently working on developing high-performance  hydrogels.

  • Wenwen Chen (陈文文)

    (2021-2024) Email: 21210440004@m.fudan.edu.cn

    Chen Wenwen graduated with a bachelors in Chemistry from Nanjing University. Now, as a graduate student, she is working on the preparation of biodegradable microspheres using microfluidecs and their application in drug delivery, especially for proteins.

  • Yue Wu (武玥)

    (2020-2024) Email: 20110440022@fudan.edu.cn

    Yue Wu received her master degree in polymer chemistry from East China Normal University in 2020 under the supervision of Prof. Xiaojuan Liao. Her research interest is supramolecular chemistry about pillararene-containing polymers. Afterwards, she joined Prof. Zhihong Nie’s group as a PhD student. Her work is geared towards self-assembly of nanoscale colloidal molecules.

  • Li Qiu (邱丽)

    (2021-2024) Email: liqiu005@163.com

    Dr. Li Qiu graduated from University of Science and Technology of China, and obtained her master degree in 2016. She has completed her Ph.D. in Chemistry in 2020 at Technical University of Munich, under the supervision of Prof. Christoph Haisch. Afterwards, she joined Prof. Zhihong Nie's group as postdoc fellow. Her research interest is the fabrication and application of colloid nanomaterials.

  • Yanqiong (杨艳琼)

    (2021-2024) Email : bzyangchang@gmail.com

    Yanqiong obtained her undergraduate degree at Sichuan University and doctoral degree at Osaka University. She researched on design and synthesis of functional polymers, and their incorporation with nanoparticles. Yanqiong is working on the dynamic and precise self-assembly of nanoparticles governed by polymer ligands.

  • Dr. Hongyu Guo
    (2013- 2018, PhD student)
    Not Available
  • Dr. Yang Yang
    (2013-2018, postdoc fellow)
    Associate Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    Jilin University
  • Dr. Kuikun Yang
    (2013- 2018, PhD student)
    Postdoctoral Fellow
    National Institute of Health
    Bethesda, MD, USA
  • Ravindra Kempaiah
    (2013- 2016, master student)
    Graduate Student
    Dept f Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
    University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Dr. Weikun Li
    (2013 - 2013, visiting student)
    Process Develop Scientist
    Thousand Oaks, CA, USA
  • Dr. Lei Wang
    (2013-2014, visiting student)
    Marie Curie Fellow
    Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia 
    Barcelona, Spain
  • Dr. Kunyan Sui
    (2013-2015, visiting scholar)
    Professor, Department Chair
    College of MSE
    Qingdao University, Qingdao, China