• Jing Tao (陶晶)

    (2019-now) Email: 19110440028@fudan.edu.cn

    Tao Jing graduated from the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Lanzhou University and is currently studying for her PhD in the NIE Group of Fudan University. Her research direction is nanoparticle self-assembly.

  • Qi Wu (吴琪)

    (2019-now) Email:19110440043@fudan.edu.cn

    Qi is a PhD candidate in Materials and Chemical Engineering. Qi received her BS in Materials Science and Engineering from Tianjin University of Science and Technology and a master's degree in bioelectronics from Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications. She is interested in the research of nano-bio interactions and patchy nanoparticles for nanomedicine carriers and diagnostic probes.

  • Xiancheng Zhang (张显诚)

    (2020-now) Email: 18307110298@fudan.edu.cn

    Alana received his bachelor's degree in Department of Macromolecular Science from Fudan University. As an undergraduate student, he worked on a project about self-assembly synthesis of aluminum based nanoarray. After graduating, he stays at Nielab as a PhD candidate. Currently he is exploring more about construction and application of metasurface.

  • Huaining Zha (查怀宁)

    (2020-now) Email: zhahuaining@163.com

    Huaining earned her BSc in chemical engineering from Dalian University of Technology. She is interested in the development of unconventional strategies for the surface micro and nano fabrication of plasmonic arrays, and their implementation into strong-coupled hybrid plasmonic materials.

  • Hongyan Li (李红艳)

    (2021-now) Email: 22110440017@m.fudan.edu.cn

    Hongyan Li received her master degree in 2020 from Nanjing Tech University under the supervision of Prof. Hongyu Chen and Prof. Yawen Wang. She majored in the synthesis and application of noble metal nanoparticles. As a PhD candidate, she is working on the fabrication of nanoparticle arrays and chiral arrays. She is also interested in exploring the optical responses of arrays besides fabrication technology.

  • Xinyue Zhang (张新月)

    (2021-now) Email: 21110440036@m.fudan.edu.cn

    Xinyue Zhang graduated from School Of Materials Science And Engineering of Tongji University and obtained her master degree in 2021 under the supervision of Prof. Jianzhoong Du. Afterwards, she joined Prof. Zhihong Nie's group as PhD student. Her research is mainly focused on the preparation, assembly and application of amphiphilic organic/inorganic hybird nanoparticles.

  • Di Zheng (郑迪)

    (2021-now) Email: zhengdijustin@163.com

    Di earned his BSc degree in applied chemistry and MSc degree in materials science and engineering from Beijing University of Chemical Technology, under the supervision of Prof. Fu-Jian Xu and Prof. Nana Zhao. He joined Nie's group as a research assistant at 2020 and now pursuing a Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. Nie. His current research focuses on the design and fabrication of single-chain nanoparticles for bioapplications.

  • Jie Zhu (朱杰)

    (2023-now) Email: ZJMIC712@163.com

    Jie earned his bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering from East China University of Science and Technology, where he conducted research on smart hydrogels under the guidance of Prof. Yiming Wang. Currently, he is focused on the preparation of functional polyelectrolyte-based aggregates, working under the supervision of Prof. Daoyong Chen, Prof. Xiayun Huang, and Prof. Zhihong Nie.

  • Yutian Tang(唐雨田)
    (2023-now) Email:23110440023@m.fudan.edu.cn
    Yutian Tang received her bachelor‘s degree in polymer materials and engineering from Dalian University of Technology in 2023. Now she’s pursing a Ph.D degree under the supervision of Prof.Zhihong Nie. Her work focuses on self-assembly of colloidal nanoparticles.
  • Yilin Bao (鲍奕霖)
    (2023-now)E-mail: 19307110244@fudan.edu.cn
    Yilin Bao received his bachelor's degree in Department of Macromolecular Science from Fudan University in 2023. Before graduating from undergraduate studies, he did a research about self-assembly of colloidal molecules. At present, he is interested in metasurface array especially polymer arrays.
  • Hanyu Wang (王涵宇)
    (2023-now) Email: 23110440026@m.fudan.edu.cn
    Hanyu Wang received his bachelor’s degree in the School of Chemical Engineering and Technology of Tianjin University in 2023. He currently joins Prof. Nie's group as a PhD student and focuses on the research related to the self-assembly of colloidal molecules. 
  • Peng Chen(陈鹏)

    (2023-now) Email: 23110440005@m.fudan.edu.cn

    Chen received his bachelor's degree from Sichuan University,majoring in polymer science and engineering. He is interested in exploring the  responsive arrays and construction of metasurface.