• Liwei Dai (戴立威)

    (2022-now) E-mail: dailiwei0@gmail.com

    Dr. Liwei Dai graduated from Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Enginnering, and obtained his master degree in 2017. He has completed his Ph.D. in Chemistry in 2021 at University of Hamburg, under the supervision of Prof. Christian Klinke and Prof. Alf Mews. Afterwards, he joined Prof. Zhihong Nie's group as postdoc fellow. His research interest is the self-aseembly of colloidal nanocrytals.

  • Bingrui Li (李炳睿)

    (2023-now) Email: bingruili@fudan.edu.cn

    Dr. Bingrui Li received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, US in 2023. He obtained master's and bachelor's degrees from Case Western Reserve University and Jilin University. Afterward, he joined Prof. Nie's group as a postdoc fellow. His research interests focus on the development and application of nanoparticle-incorporated functional polymers.

  • Yan Zhang (张艳)
    Email zyzhangyan77@163.com