Xiayun Huang (黄霞芸)

Created Time:2024-08-12 Click Rate:749

Xiayun Huang, Associate Professor


Dr. Xiayun Huang is an Associate Professor in the Department of Macromolecular Science at Fudan University and the Principal Investigator in the State Key Laboratory of Molecular Engineering of Polymers. She received her Ph.D. in 2014 from Texas A&M University, and did her postdoc in the Experimental Soft Matter Lab at Texas A&M University. She joined Fudan University as an assistant professor in 2016 and was promoted to an associate professor (tenured position) in 2021. Her research focuses on the self-assembly of charged assemblies and their applications at surfaces and interfaces. She has received past fundings from Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and participated in the Dow Innovation Challenge Research. She is an awardee of Shanghai Pujiang Talent Award and Emerging Investigator of J. Mater. Chem. A and Soft Matter. She has 30+ peer-reviewed publications in ACS Macro Lett., Chem. Commun., J. Mater. Chem. A, ACS AMI, etc.


Research Interests

Polyelectrolyte particle assembly at surface and interface

Fabrication of well-defined nanostructure via precise self-assembly

Noncovalent interaction-induced hierarchical supraparticle assembly.


Representative Publications in Fudan

11. Zhao, X.; Li, D.; Zhu, J.; Fan, Y.; Xu, J.; Huang, X.; Nie, Z.; Chen, D. Stably grafting polymer brushes on both active and inert surface using tadpole-like single-chain particles with an interactive “head”. ACS Macro Letters 2024, 13, 882-888.

10. Zhu, J.; Xiao, Z.; Song, F.; Huang, X.; Chen, D.; Nie, Z. Amphiphilic Janus patch-grafted hydrogel for salt-rejecting solar water desalination. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2024, 12, 17142-17150.

9. Fan, Y.; Ma, J.; Li, Y.; Huang, X.; Feng, S.; Chen, D. Co-sassembly of synthetic particles with heterogenous components. Chem. Mater. 2024, online, DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.4c00134.

8. Li, Y.; Zou, Y.; Bai, Y.; Zhang, X.; Wang, G.; Huang, X.; Chen, D. A novel worm-like micelles@MOFs precursor for constructing hierarchically porous CoP/N-doped carbon networks towards efficient hydrogen evolution reaction. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2021, 600, 872-881.

7. Wang, G.; Li, Y.; Huang, X.; Chen, D. Polydiacetylene and its composites with long effective conjugation lengths and tunable third-order nonlinear optical absorption. Polymer Chemistry 2021, 12, 3257-3263

6. Dou, J.; Yang, R.; Du, K.; Jiang, L.; Huang, X.; Chen, D. A general method to greatly enhance ultrasound-responsiveness for common polymeric assemblies. Polymer Chemistry 2020, 11, 3296-3304.

5. Li, H.; Lv, L.; Huang, X.; Chen, D. Network of porous carbon/ZnCo2O4 nanotubes derived from the shell-hybridized worm-like micelles for lithium storage. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2019, 7, 22642-22649.

4. Lv, L.; Zhang, Z.; Li, H.; Huang, X.; Chen, D. Endowing polymeric assemblies with unique properties and behaviors by incorporating versatile nanogels in the shell. ACS Macro Letters 2019, 8, 1222-1226.

3. Wang, W.; Zhang, K.; Bao, Y.; Li, H.; Huang, X.; Chen, D. Precise surface structure of nanofibres with nearly atomic-level precision. Chem. Commun. 2018, 54, 11084-11087. (Highlighted as Cover Story)

2. Huang, P.; Li, H.; Huang, X.; Chen, D. Multi-heteroatoms doped porous carbon catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction prepared using 3D network of ZIF-8/polymeric nanofiber as a facile-doping template. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9, 21083-21088.

1. Zhang, Z.; Li, H.; Huang, X.; Chen, D. Solution-based thermodynamically controlled conversion from diblock copolymers to Janus nanoparticles. ACS Macro Letters 2017, 6, 580-585.