• Our collaborative work on "A simple route to improve inorganic nanoparticles loading efficiency in block copolymer micelles" is accepted to publish in Macromolecules!
  • Dr. Wan-Kyu Oh joined the group as a Postdoctoral Researcher! Welcome!
  • Our collaborative work on "Ordering of gold nanorods in confined space by directed assembly" is accepted to publish in Macromolecules! Congratulations to Weikun, Peng, Jie and Taarika!!
  • Congratulations to Taylor on receiving the prestigious LSAMP Bridge to the Doctorate Fellowship Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Great job, Taylor!
  • Chenglin joined the group as a visiting graduate student! Welcome!
  • Our invited review article on "Asymmetric polymer-inorganic hybrid nanoparticles: synthesis and applications" is accepted to publish in Nanoscale! Congratulations to all coauthors!
  • Our collaborative work on "Three-dimensional Shape Transformations of Hydrogel Sheets Induced by Small-Scale Modulation of Internal Stresses" is accepted to publish in Nature Communications! Congratulations!
  • Our paper on "Hydrodynamic-driven self-assembly of giant vesicles of metal nanoparticles for remotely triggered release" is accepted to publish in Angew. Chem.! Congratulations to Jie, Zengjiang and Taarika!
  • Our paper on "Ultrasound assisted interfacial synthesis of gold nanocones" is accepted to publish in Chem. Comm.! Congratulations to Peng and Jie!
  • Taylor, Shaoyi, and Matt joined the group as graduate students! Lei joined the group as a visiting graduate student! Welcome!!! Nov 28, 2012. Dr. Nie was awarded NSF CAREER Award! Congratulations!!!
  • Our paper on "Near-infrared light-responsive vesicles of Au nanoflowers" is accepted to publish in Chem. Comm.! Congratulations to Jie, Peng and Taarika!
  • Our paper on "Engineering of polarized tubular structures in a microfluidic device to study calcium phosphate stone formation" is accepted to publish in Lab Chip! Congratulations to Zengjiang!