• Ravi was awarded the 2014 Graduate Student Summer Research Fellowship from our Graduate School. This fellowship is designed to provide support to doctoral students at “mid-career. Congratulations, Ravi!!
  • Our collaborative paper on "Spontaneous organization of inorganic nanoparticles into nanovesicles triggered by UV light " is accepted for publication in Advanced Materials. Congratulations to Maria!
  • Yijing was awarded the 2014 Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship. This award is intended to support outstanding doctoral students who are in the final stages of writing their dissertation. Congratulations, Yijing!!
  • Marcus received the 2014 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship. This prestigious award provides annual stipend support for three years towards his PhD study. Congratulations to Marcus!!!
  • Dr. Nie received the 2014 3M Non-Tenured Faculty Award. The award (including unrestricted funds to support the research program) is offered annually to junior faculty in the U.S. based on academic leadership potential and relevance to 3M’s core mission. Congratulations!!
  • Yijing received the Goldhaber Travel Award for attending upcoming ACS Meeting. Congratulations to Yijing!!!
  • Ravi and Maria received the CSW Student Travel Award for attending upcoming ACS Meeting. Congratulations to Ravi and Maria!!!
  • Our paper on "Entropy-driven Pattern Formation of Hybrid Vesicular Assemblies Made from Molecular and Nanoparticle Amphiphile" is accepted for publication in Journal of the American Chemical Society. Congratulations to Yijing, Jie, and Kaleb!!! ​
  • Ravi received the prestigious Green Fund Fellowship for Collaborative Research on Environment from University of Maryland. Congratulations!!!
  • Dr. Yi Liu joined the group as a Joint Postdoctoral Researcher with Dr. Yin group at FDA! Dr. Zixing Shi joined the group as a Visiting Researcher! Welcome, Yi and Zixing!!!
  • Our review article on "From Nature to Synthetic Systems: Shape Transformation in Soft Materials" is accepted for publication in Journal of Materials Chemistry B as one contribution to the 2014 Emerging Investigators Themed Issue! Congratulations to Ravi!
  • Our collaborative paper on "Biodegradable Gold Nanovesicles with Ultra-strong Plasmonic Coupling Effect for Photoacoustic Imaging-Guided Photothermal Therapy" is accepted for publication in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.. Congratulations to Jing!