• Marcus received this year's "Gary & Sue Christian Graduate Award". This award is given annually to a graduate student in the Department who has achieved excellence in academics and/or research. Congratulations to Marcus!!!
  • Kyle and Xiaoying were awarded the Summer Dean's Fellowship from the department. Congratulations to Kyle and Xiaoying!!!
  • Our paper on "Synthesis of platinum nanotubes and nanorings via simultaneous metal alloying and etching" is accepted for publication in Journal of the American Chemical Societyas a Communication. Congratulations to Zhiqi and all the co-authors!!!
  • Kuikun won the First Prize on the Poster Competition on the Mid-Atlantc Micro/Nano Alliance (MAMNA) Symposium today. Congratulations to Kuikun!!!
  • Our collaborative paper on "Giant soft-memory in liquid crystal nanocomposites" is accepted for publication in APL as a Communication. Congratulations to Ravi!!!
  • Our paper on "Gold nanoparticle strings wrap up into plasmonic vesicles for enhanced photoacoustic imaging" is featured as a VIP paper in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed..Congratulations to Yijing and all the co-authors!!!
  • Maria was selected as one of the semi-finalists of the very competitive Presidential Management Fellowship (PMF). Congratulations to Maria!!!
  • Our paper on "Light-triggered Generation of Multifunctional Gas-Filled Capsules On-demand" is accepted for publication in Journal of Materials Chemistry. Congratulations to Lei, Jianying and all the co-authors!!!
  • Our paper on "Photoacoustic and Colorimetric Visualization of Latent Fingerprints" is accepted for publication in ACS Nano. Congratulations to Kai and Chenglin!!!
  • Our paper on "Self-assembly of Shaped Nanoparticles into Free-standing 2D and 3D Superlattices" is accepted for publication in Small. Congratulations to Weikun and all the co-authors!!!
  • Our paper on "Formation of hybrid core-shell microgels induced by autonomous unidirectional migration of nanoparticles" is accepted for publication in Materials Horizons. Congratulations to Jianying, Kai, and all the co-authors!!!
  • Our paper on "Gold nanoparticle strings wrap up into plasmonic vesicles for enhanced photoacoustic imaging" is accepted for publication in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Congratulations to Yijing, Jie and all the co-authors!!!