• Our paper on "Synthesis and Assembly of Colloidal Cuboids with Tunable Shape Biaxiality" is featured on Editors’ Highlights webpage of recent research on Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology in Nature Communications: https://www.nature.com/collections/ed-highlights-org-bio-chemistry.
  • Hongyu Guo has successfully passed his PhD defense and he will submit his PhD dissertation by November 6. Congratulations to Dr. Guo!!!
  • Our collaborative paper on "Supramolecular Nanofibrillar Hydrogels as Highly Stretchable, Elastic and Sensitive Ionic Sensors" is accepted for publication in Materials Horizons. Congratulations to Hongyu and coauhors!!! Good job!
  • Our collaborative paper on "Delayed burst of a gel balloon" is accepted for publication in Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. Congratulations to Hongyu and coauhors!!! Good job!
  • Our paper on "Synthesis and Assembly of Colloidal Cuboids with Tunable Shape Biaxiality" is accepted for publication in Nature Communications. Congratulations to Yang and coauhors!!! Good job!
  • Kuikun Yang has successfully passed his PhD defense and he will submit his PhD dissertation by November 6. Congratulations to Dr. Yang!!! Dr. Yang has secured a postdoctoral position at NIH.
  • Our paper on "Shape-shifting composite hydrogel sheet with spatially patterned plasmonic nanoparticles" is accepted for publication in J. Mater. Chem. B. Congratulations to Hongyu and coauhors!!!
  • Our collaborative paper on "Glutathione Responsive Self Assembled Magnetic Gold Nanowreath for Enhanced Tumor Imaging and Imaging-Guided Photothermal Therapy" is accepted for publication in ACS Nano. Congratulations to Yijing and coauthors!
  • Our paper on "Phase behaviors of colloidal analogues of bent-core liquid crystals" is accepted for publication in Science Advances. Congratulations to Yang and all the co-authors!!!
  • Our paper on "Cooperative assembly of magneto-nanovesicles with tunable wall thickness and permeability for MRI-guided drug delivery" is accepted for publication in Journal of the American Chemical Society. Congratulations to Kuiun and all the co-authors!!!
  • Our collaborative paper on "Nanomagnetic-mediated drug delivery for the treatment of dental disease" is accepted for publication in Nanomedicine. Congratulations to Xiaoying!!!
  • Our paper on "Immobilized seed-mediated growth of two-dimensional array of metallic nanocrystals with asymmetric shapes" is accepted for publication in ACS Nano. Congratulations to Mari and all the co-authors!!!