• Our collaborative paper on "2D Gold Nanorings Enhance Tumor Uptake and Suppress Nanoparticle-Mononuclear Phagocyte System Interaction" is accepted for publication in ACS Nano. Congratulations to Yijing and all the co-authors!!!
  • Our paper on "Synthesis of circular and triangular gold nanorings with tunable optical properties" is accepted for publication in Chem. Comm. as a communication. Congratulations to Xiaoying and all the co-authors!!!
  • Our paper on "Reprogrammable ultra-fast shape-transformation of macroporous composited hydrogel sheets" is accepted for publication in J. Mater. Chem. B. Congratulations to Hongyu and all the co-authors!!!
  • Dr. Nie is promoted to Associate Professor with tenure, for his contributions to polymeric and colloidal materials research, and for his dedication to student training, teaching and outreach.
  • Our invited revdiew paper on "Self-assembly of Hairy Inorganic Nanoparticles" is accepted for publication in Acc. Chem. Res. Congratulations to Chenglin and all the co-authors!!!
  • Our collaborative paper on "An enzyme-free signal amplification technique for ultrasensitive colorimetric assay of disease biomarkers" is accepted for publication in ACS Nano. Congratulations to Kuikun and all the co-authors!!!
  • Recent News
  • Our collaborative paper on "Self-assembled lipoprotein based gold nanoparticles for detection and photothermal disaggregation of β-amyloid aggregates" is accepted for publication in Chem. Comm. as a communication. Congratulations!
  • Our paper on "Synthesis and liquid crystal behavior of bent silica rods" is accepted for publication in Journal of the American Chemical Society as a Communication. Congratulations to Yang and all the co-authors!!!
  • Our paper on "Magneto-Plasmonic Janus Vesicles for Magnetic Field-Enhanced Photoacoustic and Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Tumor" is accepted for publication in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Congratulations to Yijing and all the co-authors!!!
  • Our paper on "Collapsed Polymer-directed Synthesis of Multicomponent Coaxial-like Nanostructures" is accepted for publication in Nature Communications. Congratulations to Zhiqi and all the co-authors!!!
  • Our artwork about "Synthesis of platinum nanotubes and nanorings via simultaneous metal alloying and etchin" is selected as cover page for Journal of the American Chemical Society. Good job!!!